Saturday, July 27, 2013

Potty Training Water Baby

Evie's well on her way to being potty trained!

Last Thursday night, Evie deliberately went in her little potty training toilet (this BABYBJÖRN potty chair). A while ago, we also bought this potty training seat for the regular toilet in anticipation of potty training down the road. I installed it that night (it was super quick to put on) and the next morning, Evie went on the big potty.

I could tell that they'd been practicing at daycare because she knew what she was doing. WHEW. I think this potty training thing is turning out to be easier than I imagined, but of course, we're not done yet. The daycare said that if the rest of this week goes well (which I think it has), then we should send her to daycare next week with underwear (and also 4 extra sets of clothes). For consistency purposes, they recommended not putting diapers or even pull-ups on her at home, the idea of which is kind of scary to me. Does this mean I will be cleaning up accidents at home? Probably. Good thing the green machine is ready to go at a moment's notice.

In other news, Evie loves swimming. She's gotten especially adventurous in the water after a couple of visits with friends whose kids (older than Evie) are already swimming. She likes to jump into the water from the steps and "swim" to me or Greg. I use the word "swim" loosely because she hasn't quite mastered the coordinated movements that would constitute swimming, so she ends up just flailing in the water until we scoop her up. But it's progress!


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