Saturday, May 16, 2009

Taiwan and Real Dollars

My mom just got back from Taiwan on Monday and she brought goodies with her! I love the street markets in Taiwan. They have all sorts of things (food, clothes, everything) and the vendors change every day. The last time we went to Taiwan, I wanted to go to the market next to my grandparents' house every day, but Greg was not as much a fan of that.

How cute are these owls?


My mom says a lady was making them when she went to a place called Danshuei in Taiwan.

My mom also got a few other things:


  1. A hot plate that says "KISS ME LOVE YOU" all over it. I told Greg we should make pancakes or something on them.
  2. Pineapple cakes. They have these at Lee Lee's, but I feel like the ones straight from Taiwan are tastier.
  3. A handbag. Not a fan of the logo on the outside, but on the whole, the style of it is pretty trendy for my mom having picked it out. I'm impressed! It also came with a bag to store it in and I was like, whoa, this is pretty fancy for the street market.
My mom was also showing us something else she bought for 50 yuán (Taiwan Dollars), to which my brother responded with, "How much is that in real dollars?" Heh! At face value, it's comically Americentric.

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