Evelyn playing with Parker:

Asleep in the hotel in Vegas, all swaddled up:

Boo hoo face while on the Valley of Fire side trip:

Talkin' to Evie's Roo, also on the Valley of Fire side trip:

Waiting for Evie to finish her swim lesson:

- Went to Vegas! While Greg stayed back to work one day (questionable as to how much work he actually got done, but whatevs), Evie, Parker, and I tagged along on a side trip to the Valley of Fire state park.
- One of the daycare teachers said that she puts Parker in the crib with his pacifier, snuggled up with a blankie, and he falls asleep without rocking. I tried it at home and it works pretty well! I can now put him down to sleep in his crib without rocking him to sleep. I'm not sure if he would've done that by himself anyway or he learned it at daycare, but it doesn't matter either way.
- No more swaddling of his arms (at least not towards later in the month). I still put the swaddle around his torso though. At this point, it doesn't seem to affect how long or well he sleeps at night. I didn't realize how short a period of time the swaddles would be in use.
- His hands seem to have found each other; I see him holding his own hands more often.
- He gets really excited when I take off or put on his clothes. Who knows why, but it's cute.
- He also gets really excited when we tickle his neck, blow on his face, and/or jiggle his tushie.
- His hair continues to be crazy.
- Has grown much in the last few months. There were these light blue striped pants that were big on him when he first came home that I had to roll the legs up, but now he's starting to outgrow them.
- Started to roll from his back to his stomach the first week of June.
- I would've had more pictures of Parker for this post, but I made the mistake of leaving my phone unattended with Evelyn, who typed the wrong password in 10 times because she didn't know what she was doing (obviously), and my phone reset to factory settings, including wiping all the photos. It wasn't as bad as it could've been - I only last a month's worth of photos and about four months of locally stored Instagram photos, but still upsetting.