Playing in the baby area of fort room at the Children's Museum during the Once Upon a Fall Ball:

Wearing a spider hat that Evelyn made during Chinese school:

- Got his top two teeth.
- Got increasingly better at feeding himself. The food in his hands made it into his mouth first more-often-then-not, then majority of the time.
- Can get himself into a sitting position now.
- We buzzed his hair, getting rid of the mohawk, because it was slightly off center from him jerking his head during a previous clean-up. We're going to let his hair grow out a bit and then do the mohawk again.
- Crawling for real now (not just dragging his left leg).
- Weaned him, though I still have milk saved up in the freezer (probably about 4 boxes worth of milk, each box containing about 30 bags of 8 oz). It feels a little bit like a weight lifted off my shoulders, although at the beginning, I was feeling guilty/distressed about not nursing him as long as I did Evie. But now that I'm over that, it feels really freeing.
- This was later in the month. The daycare teachers said that he can use the shelves in his classroom to get to a standing position, but that he doesn't know how to sit back down by himself, so he gets upset and the teachers have to help him get back down. Ha.
- Can eat little bits of softer table food. He's also funny when we aren't fast enough giving him food - he grunts wanting more.