Fun in the laundry basket. It was good for containing him for a bit too, while we were sorting laundry:

Baby-height bar at the Children's Museum:

At Peter Piper Pizza, killing time at a 4-year-old's birthday party:

Grocery store:

Hello Kitty robe belonging to Evelyn. It's so big on him, ha:

Fell asleep on the plane ride to Florida:

With Mikey:

Swinging, Maclay Gardens in Tallahassee:

- At first, Parker could get himself to a standing position, but didn't know how to get back down. Now, he can get himself down.
- Got more teeth (number 5).
- Had another ear infection. his third one (and course of antibiotics to go with it, gah). Evie hardly had any.
- Went on a trip to Tallahassee and Orlando over Thanksgiving through the first week of December. We spent Thanksgiving with our friends in Tallahassee, and then during the first week of December when Greg and I were at a work training, both Parker and Evie stayed behind with our friends until the weekend, when our friends carted both our kids and their own four kids down to Orlando. We hit up DisneyWorld the Friday and Saturday. Props to the wife, Mikah, who at certain points had all six kids by herself during the day.
- While Greg and I were still in Tallahassee over Thanksgiving, Parker was actually kind of a little jerk when it came to bed time (crying and crying before falling asleep), when normally at home he is the most chill at bedtime. We suspect it was the time difference.