At daycare, the toddler play area is sectioned off from the bigger kids. The patio sits a little higher than the grassy area, so the resulting mini-hill is a favorite of the toddlers to go down with their little plastic ride-ons (basically like a little bike, but no pedals).
The daycare staff reported that shortly before Greg arrived on Friday to pick Parker up, he decided to descend down the hill on a ride-on, but standing up. He ended up going over the handle bars and landing on his face.
Who could have foreseen that happening?! Just kidding, we all did. And now, here are the pictures Greg sent me while I was away this weekend documenting the fat lips and scratched-up chin, philtrum, and nose:
Some residual tears in eyes from the contact with the ground. Greg said the daycare staff reported he was mostly okay after the initial shock though.

Car selfie. Parker in the back still looking meh.

The next morning. Still a little fat lip going on.