Ha ha - those expressions!

How the pacifier landed when he fell asleep:

Being chatty (i.e., cooing) during Evie's swim lesson:

First day at daycare. He fell asleep in his car seat when I was dropping him off:

Took this from a video that I shot of Greg pretending to cry, and then Parker being a sympathetic crier:

- Night after we had a big BBQ (4/18) at our house - Parker fell asleep around 9:30 and slept until 6:00. !. The only reason he was up was because I woke him up to nurse so that I could go pump. He did it again the next night.
- Getting better at chillin' by himself in the bouncer for longer periods of time (such as when I'm pumping for 20 minutes). Also kicks a lot in the bouncer now.
- Is intrigued by, but doesn't quite "get" peek-a-boo. I'm waiting for the (short) phase where he's genuinely surprised when we emerge from behind our hands, and this time, we're going to take a video of it, because it's hilarious.
- Got his first real bath on 4/22, after it looked like his belly button finally healed.
- Seems to spit up less than Evie, but drools more than her.
- Appears to be a sympathetic crier, which I recall Evie being. One afternoon when Greg was working from home, Greg started to pretend cry next to Parker, and he started making serious boo-hoo faces before crying. It was funny and I took some video. Heh.
- Talks (coos) a lot when he's in a good mood.
- He is so entertained when laying on his diaper changing station. I'm guessing it's the message board on the wall above it with Mickey, Minnie, and some of Evie's artwork.
- Is sleeping less in the car now. Maybe because he's getting older, maybe also partly because we took the extra newborn cushion out.
- I'm back at work this month. I'm going to miss him during the day.